«Тau-Кеn Samruk» NMC» JSC
17/10, Syganak Street, Yessil District, Astana, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan
Reception desk: e-mail: priemnaya@tks.kz, +7 (7172) 559-090
Registry: e-mail: info@tks.kz
Corporate Secretary:
Valentina Boyko
e-mail: v.boyko@tks.kz,
Director of Investment and Marketing Department:
Assel Kydyrbekova
e-mail: A.Kydyrbekova@tks.kz +7 (7172) 552-785
Director of HR Department:
Aidos Zhumabek
e-mail: hr@tks.kz
Compliance Officer:
Aliya Zhapparova
e-mail: a.zhapparova@tks.kz, +7(7172) 559-526
Press Secretary:
Vera Negriy
e-mail: v.negriy@tks.kz
For purchasing inquiries, please contact:
Zhanat Kustauletov
e-mail: zh.kustauletov@tks.kz, +7(7172) 559-576

Important! Samruk-Kazyna JSC informs that the Hotline is a channel for informing about alleged violations of legislation and/or the Code of Conduct, cases of fraud, corruption, unauthorized disclosure of confidential and insider information.
For issues related to products and services, as well as for official appeals to the management of Samruk-Kazyna JSC and Group of companies, please, contact the customer services and use contacts indicated on the corporate websites of the companies.
Complaints about the actions and decisions of the requisitioner, organizer, tender commission, expert commission, operator of the e-procurement information system for companies of Samruk-Kazyna group should be submitted via the procurement web portal zakup.sk.kz in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.