Ruslan Zhumagulov

Chief Economics and Finance Officer

Date of Election: Decision of the Board of Directors of JSC NMC Tau-Ken Samruk dated June 30, 2023, No. 08/23

Education: Graduated from the Kazakh State Academy of Management with a degree in Finance and Credit (1996), Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute in the specialty “Construction” (2007), obtained a law degree (KazGUU) in 2008.

Academic degree: Doctor of Economics, Academician of the International Engineering Academy. He has a number of scientific publications – more than 50 scientific articles, textbooks, monographs.

Professional experience:

1996 – 1997 –Research Information and Computing Center NEA RK, Economist-Accountant

1997 – 1998 – Office of Akim of Medeu district of Almaty, Chief Specialist

1998 – 2002 – Teaching activity (ATU, Eurasian Humanities Institute)

2000 – 2002 – Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chief Specialist

2002 – 2007 – LLP NMSC Kazmortransflot, Deputy General Director

2006 – 2007 – KazGUU, Dean of the Financial Management Department

2007 – 2008 – JSC NC KazMunayGas, Director of the Engineering and Service Projects Department  

2008 – 2013 – Asia Gas Pipeline LLP, Deputy General Director

2013 – 2017 – DarRus Stock LLP, CEO

2016 – 2023 – METU, President, Professor of the Economics and Business Department  

2017 – 2023 – EKEIG, Emirates Kazakhstan Education Investment Group, CEO

2019 – 2022 – SKARC, Swiss Investment Fund , CEO

Citizenship: Republic of Kazakhstan

Date of Birth: November 14, 1975

Ownership of shares in the company: no

Ownership of shares of suppliers and competitors of the company, the number and proportion of shares of affiliated companies owned: no