ShalkiyaZink JSC has started the active phase of mine construction at the polymetallic deposit of Shalkiya. The contractor, a consortium of two large Chinese companies – JCHX and CCECC, has undertaken obligations to perform all the work planned under the contract without involving foreign workers. At the moment, 253 employees of ShalkiyaZink have changed to temporary employment with a contractor subject to a salary increase.   

Mining operations include the sinking of mining and capital workings, construction of a ventilation system and chamber workings, including for an ore-mining complex.

The competition for the selection of a mining contractor was held according to international rules on the electronic procurement portal of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Russian, Chinese, German and Kazakh companies participated.

Murat Dzhakishev – Acting General Director of ShalkiyaZink LTD JSC:

 “To select a contractor in accordance with the high qualification requirements imposed on the EBRD’s competition site and at the same time to save jobs for full-time employees was a matter of principle for us. According to the terms and conditions of the agreement signed with the consortium of JCHX and CECC companies, the partners undertake professional retraining and training of our employees.

In general, we pay great importance to social issues, especially the employment of the local population, and we have signed a corresponding memorandum with the Akimat of the Kyzylorda region

ShalkiyaZink JSC provides regular support to the local community under the social partnership: modernization of the power supply system in the village of Shalkiya, opening of a new recreation park, where more than 1,500 trees were planted, landscaping the territory of the Kuttykozha holy spring, providing gratuitous assistance with the district hospital in the form of the purchase of medical equipment and medicines.

Construction of the Shalkiya MPP with a productive capacity of 4 million tons of ore per year is a significant object on the map of industrialization of the Kyzylorda region. The expected contribution of the enterprise to the gross regional product for the period of operation is about KZT2 trillion 400 billion, annual tax deductions are planned at the level of KZT20 billion.

For information: ShalkiyaZink JSC – a 100% subsidiary of JSC NMC Tau-Ken Samruk

Shalkiya is a polymetallic ore deposit located 17 km northeast of Zhanakorgan, Kyzylorda region, opened in 1963.  In 2016, studies were conducted to confirm the available reserves, according to the JORC standards, the deposit contains 3445,000 tons of zinc and 935,000 tons of lead. The MPP will release its first products – lead-silver and zinc concentrates – by the end of 2024, and in 2025 it will reach its design capacity.

JCHX Mining has a first level qualification certificate of a general contractor for mining and construction works, a qualification of a foreign engineering contractor for foreign projects, and its 100% subsidiary is certified with A level qualification for engineering design for mining and metallurgical plants. The company is a pioneer in the HSE certification in the mining sector of China. The company has been listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (JCX: 603979) since June 30, 2015.

The China Civil Engineering and Construction Corporation (CCCEC) was established in 1979 with the approval of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, merged with the China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC) in 2003. CCECC is a large state-owned enterprise with a Chinese national higher qualification. By the end of 2016, CCECC had opened permanent project management offices or headquarters in 89 countries and regions in Asia, Europe, Africa, America and Oceania. On February 13, 2017, a branch of the corporation was opened in Kazakhstan.