Specialists of Shokpar-Gagarinskoye LLP (100% subsidiary of Tau-Ken Samruk JSC) have completed the assessment geological exploration activities in the fields located in Zhambyl region, including approval of industrial conditions and reserves estimation.
The state Commission on reserves of Kazakhstan approved the reserves of the Gagarinskoye field in the categories C1+C2 in the amount of 2257.4 thousand tons of ore, 10 104.3 kg of gold of average content of 4.48 g/t; silver-84.2 tons, with an average content of 37.31 g/t.
The reserves of the Shokpar Deposit were approved in categories C1+C2 in the amount of 1554.1 thousand tons of ore, 10 952.9 kg of gold with average content of 7.05 g/t; 51.5 tons of silver with average content of 33.14 g/t.
Thus, the national company “Tau-Ken Samruk” reports about successful completion of the exploration stage of the development project of the Shokpar and Gagarinskoye fields, currently license for mining operations is expected.
Tau-Ken Samruk intends to attract the strategic partners to implement the next stages of the project.
Gagarinskoye Field is located in the Korday district of Zhambyl region approximately 200 km west of Almaty and 60 km from the Otar railway station. The distance from the site to the highway Almaty-Bishkek on the hardroad of 17 km; on the field road-8 km. The nearest railway station Birlik is located 35 km away from the field. High-voltage power line ends in the Birlikvillage, low-voltage power line runs 8 km from the site.
Shokpar field is located at the territory of Korday district of Zhambyl region, 40 km away from Gagarinskoye field. The asphalt road running to the Almaty-Bishkek highway is 5 km away from the deposit. There is an access to the railway stations Shu and Otar.There is a high-voltage power line with a branch to the field 10 km away from the field.