Tau-Ken Altyn LLP conducted a planned industrial safety audit and training on the localization of a conditional accident. According to the scenario, in the fuel warehouse, during the work on draining fuel from a fuel tanker into an underground tank, the hose breaks off. As a result, diesel fuel leaks, which can lead to fire and poisoning of working personnel, and also carries environmental risks.

At the time of the simulated accident, there were 3 people on the scene who demonstrated hand-in-glove and coordinated actions. The driver of the tanker stopped the fuel supply, drove it to a safe distance and turned off the car. Emergency services and the company’s management were notified immediately of the situation. Facilities located close to the fuel depot are de-energized, the valve for supplying liquefied gas to the boiler room is blocked. The place of fuel filling was covered with sand. The doctor examined all those involved in the elimination of the consequences of a conditional accident for possible injuries or poisoning by fuel vapors.
The industrial safety audit of Tau-Ken Altyn LLP was conducted with participation of representatives of several subsidiaries of Tau-Ken Samruk. This practice has recently been introduced in the Group of companies. Industrial safety and labor protection specialists of ShalkiyaZinc JSC, Tau-Ken Temir LLP and Tau-Ken Samruk noted the systematic efforts being made at the refinery to ensure trouble-free operation.

The result of the audit and exercises was a meeting chaired by the Chief Production Officer of JSC NMC Tau-Ken Samruk. In general, Adilzhan Orzhanov highly appreciated the level of industrial safety of the enterprise. At the same time, he gave several instructions regarding improving safety management processes, preventing accidents at the facility, and improving working conditions. At the end of the visit to the plant, Adilzhan Orzhanov inspected the new workshop for processing industrial waste, which was launched here in November last year.