Samruk-Kazyna JSC has celebrated the Day of Group’s Labor Dynasties

May 17, 2017


Samruk-Kazyna JSC has celebrated the Day of Group’s Labor Dynasties. CEO of Samruk-Kazyna JSC Umirzak Shukeyev presented Foundation Labor Dynasty medal and Diploma of Merit to representatives of labor dynasties – the Babashevs, Sairambaevs, Trubas, Klopovs, Pshenitzins, Eltaevs, Matsyuks, Zhamankozovs, Kakimanovs, Mussagalievs.


Representatives of Tau-Ken Samruk NMC JSC – the Babashevs – work in ShalkiyaZinc LTD JSC. Head of the dynasty Ilyas Babashev started his career in 1927. He met his future wife Fatima Babashova, when he was a metallurgical miner in Achisay village and together they brought up eight children. The younger brother Bazarbai Babashov born in 1953 is the first employee of the Shalkiya mine. In 2016, after 31-year service he retired with a sense of a job well done. Except for the dynasty, other 18 family members have been working in mines of Tau-Ken Samruk, their total working experience amounts to 373 years and 7 months.


The Day of Labor Dynasties of Samruk-Kazyna Group is rooted in 2013 and confined to the International Day of Families (International Day of Families) established by the UN General Assembly in 1993. The event contributes to promotion of the labor dynasties institution as an effective tool for social promotion of intergenerational continuity and social stability.