Today, the Samruk-Kazyna Fund hosted a briefing with participation of GibratAuganov, the Managing Director for Corporate Governance, Social and Labor Relations and Occupational Safety. His report on the results of 8 months of work included the following questions: HR policy; social and charitable projects; monitoring of social stability.

According to Gibrat Auganov, the recruitment platform is becoming more and more popular. «To date, the number of registered companies on the platform is more than half a thousand. And this, as you understand, is not only portfolio companies and affiliated affiliated organizations of the Fund. has long gone beyond the framework that was originally conceived», – Auganov said. For 8 months of this year, 13,631 vacancies were published on the online platform, 127,435 people responded to them. At the same time, the practice of checking candidates on a polygraph continued. Certain categories of applicants pass it without fail. 60 companies and branches of Samruk-Kazyna JSC use this service. Thus, since the beginning of the year, 64 of 99 people have failed for resistance to corruption risks.At the same time, the Fund implements programs for the development of youth policy and gender equality. The work continues on increasing the representation of women on the Boards of Directors and Supervisory Boards of portfolio companies. The Fund also provided its pool of women leaders as a reserve for attracting independent directors to companies outside the Samruk-Kazyna group. According to Gibrat Auganov, 49 specialists completed the Zheti Kadam Young Leaders Development Program. «During the year they worked in teams with mentors from the Presidential Youth Personnel Reserve. Each of these teams defended their projects last month. The best one – on reducing the hydrocarbon footprint at enterprises – is being implemented in one of the portfolio companies», – Auganov said. To date, 36 members of the PYPR work in the Samruk-Kazyna Group of Companies. Two managing directors of the Samruk-Kazyna Fund, including Gibrat Auganov himself, as well as Nariman Absametov, Chief Business Development Director of Tau-Ken Samruk, are among them.

Gibrat Auganov spoke about the charity and social projects of the Fund and cooperation with Kazakhstan Khalkyna SF. For eight months of this year, 33 projects forKZT4 billion 766 million were approved by the decision of the Board of Trustees. Thus, the coverage of these projects amounted to 454 thousand Kazakhstanis. The total amount allocated to charity through the Corporate Fund Samruk-Kazyna Trust this year amounted to KZT10 billion. Together with the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Social Fund, centers for children with autism and other mental disorders, as well as early intervention centers are opened. During the briefing, the regional coverage and the degree of readiness of these centers, the number of which is more than twenty, was shown. In addition, the Fund and its portfolio companies are taking measures to improve the lives of employees with disabilities. Now there are 2,582 of them. «The employeeswith special needs are provided with a reduced working day and special preferential programs – up to assistance in purchasing personal vehicles. In general, the Group of Companies has bright cases with employment and successful career realization», – said Auganov. Gibrat Auganov also presented the work of the Social Stability Monitoring Center. It collects and analyzes operational data on the prerequisites or facts of the emergence of social tension and labor conflicts 24/7 via 5 communication channels. For 8 months of 2023, the Nysana Contact Center received more than 14 thousand anonymous messages. «It is the anonymity, such a large number of channels, the availability of our operators 24/7 and the mandatory consideration of each request that mainly distinguishes our system from similar ones. The collection of information, subsequent analytics and control, work with respondents, including with the involvement of ombudsmen and mediators of portfolio companies and the Fund, helped to avoid aggravation of controversial situations», – said Auganov. He recalled that the number of strikes at enterprises has decreased 5.5 times over the past year. At the end of the briefing, everyone was invited to get acquainted with the work of the Social Stability Monitoring Center in real time.